El plan de los barrios de Barcelona

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22/07/2021 - 01:07h

New centre for the elderly in Trinitat Vella

Facilities. The centre culminates an initiative which began with the Neighbourhood Plan in 2017.

21/07/2021 - 02:07h

New call for officially protected ground-floor premises in Ciutat Vella

Commerce. The third call for officially protected ground-floor premises in Ciutat Vella is launched, to diversify commerce and provide services for local people.

CAI La Marina de Port
20/07/2021 - 07:07h

Building work starts on the city’s first Comprehensive Care Centre

Citizen support. The centre will be located in the Jardins de Cal Sèbio, in the Marina de Port neighbourhood in Sants-Montjuïc.

18/06/2021 - 01:06h

The new Parc de l’Aqüeducte a Ciutat Meridiana: 12,000m2 for strolling, playing and doing sport

Urban planning. The transformation of the former neighbourhood football pitch was developed with input from local people.

12/05/2021 - 12:05h

Fewer inequalities and more social capital with the Neighbourhood Plan in Sant Martí and Sant Andreu

Neighbourhood Plan. Investment of 26.6 million euros in the most vulnerable neighbourhoods in the two districts.

Fotografies de recurs d'escoles bressol i centres escolars: aules, jocs, nens i nenes entrant, materials, patis
20/04/2021 - 02:04h

More emotional support at city schools

Neighbourhood Plan. Various specialists will start working at 81 city schools as from the next academic year.

08/03/2021 - 11:03h

Concilia childcare service extended to seven neighbourhoods

Neighbourhood Plan. This free daily service is for young children between the ages of 4 and 12, particularly single-parent families or those with no support network.

27/11/2020 - 04:11h

Now it’s the neighbourhood’s turn to pay in RECs

Neighbourhood Plan. The digital currency is a way of adding vitality to local commerce and helping money to circulate in the same territory.

23/11/2020 - 05:11h

Urban planning with the gender perspective spreads around the city

Urban planning. For safer, more accessible and inclusive public space, facilitating care and promoting friendlier and healthier environments.

11/11/2020 - 05:11h

More space for local people with the transformation of Plaça de Sant Miquel

Urban planning. Offering 4,317 square metres of surface space, the square caters for a wider array of local uses, with a larger green area and more room to play in.