El Pla dels Barris de Barcelona es desenvolupa en un total de 16 barris distribuïts en tres eixos: Besòs, Muntanya Turons i Litoral.
20/12/2024 - 03:12h
Cleaning. The strike is scheduled from 9 pm on Sunday, 22 December, to 9 pm on Wednesday, 25 December.
10/10/2024 - 05:10h
Montjuïc. The official opening of the hut in the Joan Prats gardens took place on Thursday 10 October. The programme of activities is now under way both in the hut and in venues across all the district's neighbourhoods.
30/05/2024 - 04:05h
Neighbourhood Plan. A basketball court and calisthenic elements will add vitality to the park until the final transformation.
El Pla dels Barris de Barcelona es desenvolupa en un total de 16 barris distribuïts en tres eixos: Besòs, Muntanya Turons i Litoral.