El plan de los barrios de Barcelona

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New call for officially protected ground-floor premises in Ciutat Vella

21/07/2021 - 02:07h

Commerce. The third call for officially protected ground-floor premises in Ciutat Vella is launched, to diversify commerce and provide services for local people.

Nine municipally owned ground-floor premises are to be offered with affordable rents for local businesses and projects which help to drive and diversify the district economy.

This is the third call for officially protected ground-floor premises. The previous two awarded the use of sixteen premises in Ciutat Vella. The goal is to bring empty premises to life by getting local enterprises into them.

Applications can be presented until 29 October and should be made in person at Foment de Ciutat (Pintor Fortuny, 17).

Contracts will be for five years, extendable for a further two, with those awarded the premises to pay below-market rents. Priority will be given to strategic sectors:

  • Local shops and services
  • Care work and personal services
  • Green and circular economy
  • Tech innovation and knowledge
  • Culture
  • Small-scale urban manufacturing
  • Sustainable food
  • Blue economy

The call is being promoted by the Neighbourhood Plan, with the support of Barcelona Activa, and forms part of the Ciutat Vella Economic Development Plan (PDE).

The list of premises (in need of renovation) for this call is:

  1. Carrer d’en Robador, 3
  2. Carrer d’en Robador, 17
  3. Carrer d’en Robador, 25-27
  4. Carrer de Sant Ramon, 1
  5. Carrer de Sant Ramon, 6 (local 1)
  6. Carrer de Cardona, 6
  7. Carrer d’en Serra Xic, 2-4
  8. Carrer de Sant Pere Més Alt, 76 (local 1)
  9. Carrer de Sant Pere Més Alt, 76 (local 2)