A visual and documentary archive representing the social and urban history of the unseen Barcelona. This is the goal of this audio-visual and photographic project from the Neighbourhood Plan and the MACBA.
Thirteen photographers from home and abroad will be commissioned to produce visual accounts portraying the reality of the following:
- Nou Barris. The evolution of the district and community movements
- The route taken by water through Vallbona and Trinitat Vella
- Cultivation areas at La Ponderosa
- The evolution of public health services in El Raval
- El Carmel with the starting point for the Juan Marsé novel Últimas tardes con Teresa
- The city seen from the Túnel de la Rovira
- The memory of social housing, with the cheap low-build homes in Can Peguera and Bon Pastor
- The relationship between Poble-sec and Montjuïc
- The transformation of the neighbourhoods of La Marina
- Spaces bordering the Besòs river and the Collserola mountain range
The results will be published in a book and an exhibition at the MACBA in the summer of 2024. The project is a continuation of the visual project “Setze barris, mil ciutats”, which documented the work of the Neighbourhood Plan between 2016 and 2020.