El plan de los barrios de Barcelona

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Areas hit hardest by Covid-19 to get more resources from the Neighbourhood Plan

22/07/2020 - 05:07h

Neighbourhood Plan. New measures include support for subsidy applications and free activities for children and teenagers.

In an effort to counter the socio-economic effects of the Covid-19 crisis in the hardest hit areas in the city, the Neighbourhood Plan is refocusing its resources to facilitate access to aid, ease the strain on families and organisations and give youngsters access to culture and leisure in the summer.

The various programmes being carried out in areas covered by the Neighbourhood Plan are being adapted to provide a comprehensive approach to the Covid-19 crisis. The measures are aimed at tackling socio-economic, educational and recreational issues, and helping local people to go digital.

Support offices to process subsidies

The Neighbourhood Plan will enable seven support offices to be set up to help families, companies and services access subsidies being offered by the various administrations. The offices will provide:

  • Guidance on the most suitable aid for each situation and referrals to other services or facilities where necessary.
  • Help with the application process: requirements, documentation and time frames.
  • Provide brief training for individuals, entities and services to complete the procedures for subsidies.

Two offices are already operating via the pilot scheme which started on 6 June in Roquetes – Trinitat Nova and Zona Nord. The rest will open from 27 July in Trinitat Vella, La Verneda i la Pau, El Besòs i el Maresme, La Marina and El Raval.

Free activities for infants, teenagers and young people

The Neighbourhood Plan also now offers more cultural and recreational activities for children, with 1,790 places on various summer activities on the Baobab programme or organised by various neighbourhood entities.

Various sports, culture and recreational activities are also being organised in public places for teenagers and young people via the Estiu Jove programme. Activities are available in the neighbourhoods of La Verneda i la Pau, El Besòs i el Maresme, Zona Nord, Trinitat Vella and El Raval.

The goal is to improve the emotional well-being of young children and teenagers after lockdown, with activities to stimulate learning and have fun. The recreational programmes also help take the strain off families and help with their work-life balance.

Reducing the digital divide

In a move to reduce the digital divide, improvements will be made to coverage and the free high-speed wi-fi network at all municipal facilities in the areas under the neighbourhoods covered by the plan. In facilities in the Zona Nord, in Nou Barris, these improvements have already been implemented with a pilot project. This action comes with a training and support project for groups with no ICT knowledge so that they can conduct online administrative procedures on their own.

Promoting healthy food

A pilot scheme is also running in the neighbourhoods of Zona Nord, Les Roquetes and Trinitat Nova to foster healthy habits through the distribution of baskets of locally produced fresh organic food, as well as workgroup sessions on healthy eating and habits.